The 92m tall dome of El Capitolio is the highlight of Havana’ skyline.

Inspired by Washington D.C.’s Capital Hill, El Capitolio was built in 1926. A team of 5000 workers took 3 years to complete the project.

Up until the revolution it was the seat of Cuba’s Congress.


Inside, beneath the dome, a 25 Carat Diamond was placed to mark “Kilometer 0”, the starting point of Cuba’s Central Highway.

The Diamond is said to have belonged to the French and then Russian Royal families before being sold to Cuba’s First Lady, María Jaén de Zayas.

The Diamond became a huge tourist attraction. Tourist agency brochures of the era speak of the diamond’s magical powers, saying it could cure the sick bringing good luck to the beholder.


On the 25th of March 1946 the Diamond was stolen. The thieves actually left a note saying “2:45 to 3:15 - 25 Carats”, letting the world know the time it took to remove the Diamond, 30 minutes.

15 months later the Diamond was recovered by President Ramon Grau San Martín, the identity of the thieves remains a mystery to this day.

In 1973 the Diamond was replaced with a replica and the Diamond itself is said to be stored at Cuba’s Central Bank, although nobody is known to have seen it since.